What Can You Do With a History Degree?

In survey after survey, employers say they need people who think critically and write well. But don’t take our word for it…

“Employees with liberal arts majors have shown stronger management skills and have advanced further than those with other college majors.”

– Bell Systems

“GM values a broad-based education that cultivates creative, analytical and communication skills and encourages self-motivation, persistence and self-discipline.”

– General Motors, which employs more than 1,000 history majors.

More than dates and events, history gives us a broader view of our world. By understanding how people thought and acted across the ages and around the world, we can better understand the events of today and how we can influence tomorrow. History majors analyze and interpret information, write and share ideas about why events happened and develop the knowledge and skills that help them to succeed in today’s workplace. They are working in a wide range of fields in companies and institutions around the world. Are you ready to join them?

Jobs for History Majors

Far from being confined to academics, history majors can remain in academics if they like, but they can also explore a variety of other fields in the business, nonprofit and government sectors. Here are just a few of the career opportunities for history majors:

  • Academic Researcher
  • Archivist
  • Assistant to Anthropologists or Archaeologists
  • Business Analyst
  • College or University History Professor
  • Diplomat
  • Fundraising
  • Government Analyst
  • Government Historian
  • Heritage Manager
  • High School History Teacher
  • Historic Buildings Inspector/Conservation Officer
  • Historical Consultant
  • Journalist
  • Lawyer
  • Media and Communications
  • Museum Education Officer
  • Museum/Gallery Curator
  • Museum/Gallery Exhibitions Officer
  • Paralegal/Legal Assistant
  • Political Advisor/Campaign Work
  • Tour Guide
  • Writer
  • And more!